The Blaire White Project
A place for real conversations pertaining to politics, gender, sexuality, world events, and comedy.
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View allElizabeth R.
A very Woke TikToker who can’t even follow through with her own bullshit. She still refers “Kai” as a her even though “Kai” is most likely identifying as “he” or “they/them”. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZP828v1xE/

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I appreciate you so much Blaire White! I’m a woman living in Indiana,and I was indoctrinated into thinking I was transgender in highschool. I never fit in, in school into any group. But my older sister ran the gay straight alliance. And I’m not gonna tell the whole story here. But you can guess the rest. But I wasn’t accepted by the community because I was “truscum” keep doing what U do!!