Build deeper connections with your community and start earning a recurring income

ibble is the place for building community, meeting new people, and having real, unfiltered Conversations that are more than mindless scrolling. With subscriptions, you can get paid to do what you love.

Get Started

How it works

Build your community exactly how you want and get paid doing it!

Create your community

In seconds you can build your public or private community with just a name, description, and picture. You can even organize your community with
topic-based channels.

Grow your subscribers

Share your custom link that brings your fans directly to your new community and start the conversation. Earn monthly income from each subscriber.

Cash out when you’re ready

Make money on your own time. We process all payments through Google or Apple Pay. When you’re ready, simply request a payment and get paid to the account of your choice.

How podcasters are making their shows interactive

Each week's episode is countless conversations that your fans would love to join. Through ibble's Q&A feature, your fans can ask questions and continue the discussion until your next episode drops. We make it easy to see the best questions by allowing the fans to upvote or downvote their favorites. Want to grow your community faster than ever before? Include some of your fan's questions and your answers in the final cut of the podcast you distribute on every platform to make it easy for your audience to see why they should subscribe - access to you and your guests and a chance to be seen and heard.

See for Yourself

How influencers are getting closer with their fans

We’re on a mission to reinvent social media. Gone are the days of obsessing over likes, comments, and filters. Most interaction on social media is one-way; on ibble, get ready to experience a new style of two-way communication to make your fans feel seen and heard, even on topics that are hard to have anywhere else. You are what your community wants to see and hear, so let your authenticity shine with our Q&A feature or threads to tell interactive stories.

See For Yourself

How conferences are building communities

At SXSW 2022, we set a lofty goal to connect all official and unofficial events under one interactive experience. We achieved over 1.3m views, 1000 unique threads, and over 10k video responses as a three-day demo. You can start by creating a community with your conference name; organize stages or conference tracks, then create threads within the channels to upload each session. The audience can ask questions using ibble's Q&A feature and continue the discussion weeks after the conference giving your sponsors and speakers more exposure and value. Since nothing expires, there is now a time capsule for the event.

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How authors are getting more readers

Book clubs are amazing, and here at ibble we wanted to make it easier than ever before for fans to join at their own pace and connect with their favorite new author. You can start by creating a Community with your book name; most use Channels related to each chapter and Threads for Q&As led by you or fan discussions from the audience. Some have created a free Community with the first few chapters of their book in audio form and links to purchase it. Once you have an engaged audience, guiding them into your paid community is easier. Too often, people read books, but never put them into action - this is your chance to continue the discussion beyond the release date.

Dive Into Communities

How coaches and trainers reconnect with clients

Coaches and trainers often tell us their biggest dream is to help more people and free up more of their time. After interviewing their clients, we realized most want to continue working with a trainer or coach, but either scheduling conflicts or cost comes into play. ibble solves these issues by providing the Community to distribute lessons to everyone at once, interactive Q&As to get feedback in everyone's own time, and community-led threads to share their journey and results. Not only can you re-engage with inactive clients, but you can also earn extra revenue by sharing content with a broader audience.

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Plus, we're the best Q+A platform, period.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there any restriction on content?

We have three rules at ibble:
- No violence
- No bullying
- Keep any sexual discussions in private channels

What's the difference between Public and Private Monteized Communities?

- In Public Monetized Communities, members gain access and are billed once they subscribe.
- In Private Monetized Communities, members must be approved by the admin before they are billed and allowed in the community.

Can I have multiple Communities?

- Sure, don’t abuse it.
- Many people create Free communities and use links to drive traffic to their paid community.

How much can I charge for my community, and how much does ibble take?

- You can charge your subscribers anything between $1 and $50 per month, but most seem to like $10-20 per month.
- 52% goes to the creator, 48% goes to ibble. 
- Apple and Google currently charge ibble 30% to process payments, then taxes on top of that so our margins are pretty low. We are working to reduce them.

Do I need to be live on ibble?

- Nope, think of this like a multimedia version of a web forum, you create threads or respond whenever you want.
- Some threads unfold over days, weeks, or months. It allows content to have a longer life.

Does ibble work with Brands, Partners, and Sponsors?

- Yes! ibble loves working with Brands and Partners! If you are a larger Brand and want to partner with our influencers reach out to
- If you own a monetized community, you can add a sponsor to a pinned post, or include them in channel graphics. Free communities can not be sponsored.

Do you have a longer walk-through video?

- For sure, we got you - check this out
- Contact us at if you have more questions

Come Visit

Submit your email below to get an invite and tour of the ibble studios in downtown Austin, TX. Want to record something awesome with a famous creator? We would love to hear about it.

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